The Relationship Between PR & SEO & What It Means For Your Business
Online Marketing – The Connection be SEO & PR
There’s no doubt about it -the marketing and PR hybrid continues to evolve and as such, many companies are finding their strategies direly outdated. As online presence continues to grow in importance, we look at the relationship between PR and SEO and what it means for your business and its online marketing strategy.
Forget links, it’s all about the Coverage
With Google’s E-A-T principle in full swing, old-school SEO link building has become almost obsolete. As one of the three major factors of the E-A-T principle, authority no longer is about page ranking, but rather what people are saying about your brand. Gone are the days of link farms, now it’s all about making sure the right people are talking about you. A great review on for instance, the Huffington Post or a post by a prolific blogger has far more weight and benefit for SEO than simple link submission to build authority.
PR Outreach is fuel to the fire that is Social Media
Having a strong PR outreach can help take your social media campaign to the next level. Having industry influencers and key bloggers sharing your campaign can be rocket fuel to your brand – just look at the influencer of super bloggers such as Zoella. There’s a reason brands are queuing up to work with these super bloggers, and it’s not just because of the vast following, but also what it can do for the brand’s SERPs.
SEO Optimised Press Releases
Any great PR strategy will have an element of press releases built into it. Look for agencies that incorporate SEO into their press release writing. By loading up your press release with the right keywords, when a news outlet publishes the said press release, it will only compliment your SEO efforts for your own site further. Plus, not to mention the added benefit – with articles being published online, this SEO value will only grow over time, helping your future SEO efforts. Be wary, press releases that are considered non-newsworthy will count against you – so pick only the best stories to go to press with.
Mastering the Relationship between PR and SEO
Nailing the relationship between PR and SEO can be tricky. Update your online marketing strategy and be ahead of your competition – pop us an e-mail today and get started on upgrading your PR and SEO strategy to the next level.